Polymer Ionic Materials Laboratory

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Hyeong Jun Kim

Principle Investigator

Office: CY-414

E-mail: hjunkim at sogang.ac.kr

More information (link)

Younghoon Kim

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ph.DChem. and Biomol. Eng., Yonsei Univ (2019)

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Yonsei Univ. (2013)

Office: R-417

E-mail: Kiii3 at naver.com

Google scholar (link)

Heewoon Shin

MS/PhD candidate 

BS: Polymer Eng., Chungnam Nat. Univ. (2020)

Office: R-417

E-mail: tlsgmldns331 at gmail.com

Scholarship from national research foundation (NRF) of Korea (2024-2026) 

Yongsu Kim 

MS/PhD candidate 

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2022)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: asolet256 at naver.com

Jowon Shin

PhD candidate

MSChem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2024)

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2022)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: epsvkfk7 at u.sogang.ac.kr

Sangjun Park 

MS/PhD candidate 

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2024)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: o2b22006 at naver.com

Yoon-Je Choi

MS candidate

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2023)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: sds3ga at naver.com

Chanhyuk Jeon

MS candidate 

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2023)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: jsp2050 at naver.com

Sehwan Park

MS candidate

BS: Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ (2023)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: kongalis at naver.com

Minwoo Park 

MS candidate

BS: Chem., Sogang Univ (2024)

Office: R-417 

E-mail: elpi98 at naver.com

Scholarship from national research foundation (NRF) of Korea (2024-2025

Seungju Lee

Undergraduate student

Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 

Office: R-417 

E-mail: szlee000 at sogang.ac.kr

Gyumin Yim

Undergraduate student

Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 

Office: R-417 

E-mail: aloee21 at sogang.ac.kr

Chankyu Kim 

Undergraduate student

Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 

Office: R-417 

E-mail: changyu924 at sogang.ac.kr

Dong June Lee

Undergraduate student

Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 

Office: R-417 

E-mail: djseba1324 at sogang.ac.kr

Sejeong Moon

Undergraduate student

Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 

Office: R-417 

E-mail: msj2193 at sogang.ac.kr

Join our team!  

We are looking for highly motivated team members who like to share our vision on charged macromolecule researches. Our team pursues highly interdisciplinary researches, bridging chemical engineering, polymer chemistry and physics, electronics, robotics, and mechanics. 

If you are interested in please send me an email hjunkim at sogang.ac.kr 

Previous Members 


Hyeongjung Park,  Visiting Scholar from KAIST (2022.06-08) : KIER(Korea Institute of Energy Research) 

Undergraduate Students

ji Hee Yun, Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 2023.08~2024.08  : University of Cambridge

Ji-Eun Kang,  Chem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 2022.08~2023.06

Beom-Soo KimChem. and Biomol. Eng., Sogang Univ 2021.09- 2022.06